Eugenia Agyeiwaa Boadi

STEM Co-Ordinator

Personal Information :

Eugenia Agyeiwaa Boadi, is a GirlOnTheMove, as she loves to be called. She Has an MBA in Global Business from Coventry University London and a Bachelors in Petroleum Engineering from Russia. As a field engineer, Eugenia worked with Schlumberger for about 3 years, working on various oil rigs and drillships in various countries.

In  October 2020, Eugenia founded “Kids At Home School”, which offers  Free,  Fun, Super Interactive virtual classes to support kids in Ghana who were out of school during the Covid crisis. Eugenia is currently collaborating with some government agencies to bring this innovative learning platform to television and make it more accessible to many more kids across the country at little to no cost.

Eugenia is also a member of the John Maxwell Team, working as a speaker, a mentor, and a coach for Teens and Young women who know they have greatness in them but somehow haven’t yet figured out how to #LiveOutLoud – whatever that is for them. Eugenia seeks to add value to people, especially the youth and businesses, and see them excel. She focuses mainly on personal development and Team-based Training and also collaborates with various organizations to curate workshops that promote #WomenEmpowerment and develop their #WomenResource.

Eugenia is a strong STEAM advocate and enjoys visiting various schools across the country to share her knowledge and skills, and provide some encouragement to the students to embrace STEAM with passion. 

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